Tor Relay lists. Updated lists of Tor Relays.

Comprehensive IPV4 and IPV6 lists of Tor relays separated by their flags, e.g. Exit, Guard, HSDIR and Overloaded relays plus Snowflake and Tor Authorities.

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Individual IPV4 and IPV6 lists of Tor Relays and Exits.

Updated every 30 minutes at the top and bottom of each hour.

Currently Oveloaded Relays

Tor Authorities IPV4

Tor Authorities IPV6


Snowflake IPV6

All Relays IPV4

All Relays IPV6

All Exit Nodes IPV4

All Exit Nodes IPV6

All Relays with multiple Tor instances per IP

All Relays with multiple Tor instances per IP IPV6

Relays with 2 Tor instances per IP

Relays with 2 Tor instances per IP IPV6

Relays with 3 or more Tor instances per IP

Relays with 3 or more Tor instances per IP IPV6

Guard Relays

Relays that are both Guards and Exit Nodes

Relays with HSDir flag

Relays that are Guards, Exits and HSDir at the same time